Officially the Pastoral Community “Fount of Mercy” was established by the decree No.214 of Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevičius on December 19, 2012.
The Community comprises 4 religious sisters and 49 lay persons, serving on voluntary basis. They have been serving in Kaunas archdiocese and other Lithuanian dioceses organizing various Christian events. The Community members are reliable and active faithful of the Catholic Church and have wide experience in inner healing ministry
The mission of the community is to spread the merciful, saving and healing love of Jesus Christ among baptized Christians.
The vision of the community’s activity – to participate in the Catholic Church's pastoral care by helping people to solve spiritual and psychological problems in the light of Christian values.
Aims of community activities:
- To help a person to restore a healthy and equitable relationship with God, other people, and himself;
- To develop conscious, responsible and active person in the family, in society and in the Church;
- To spread Christian values – foundation of a healthy and mature personality.
Current community activities:
- Pastoral inner healing programs
- Retreats and seminars
- Individual Christian Counseling
- Cycle of seminars
- Community members’ prayer meetings
- Intercession prayer ministry
- Broadcast by Radio Maria “By His Wounds We Are Healed”
- Eucharistic inner healing ministry in various parishes of Lithuania
- Inner healing ministry formation retreats and seminars
- Missions abroad